Pasundan University (Unpas) was established on 14 November 1960, the existence and development can not be separated from the goals and ideals of the Society Pasundan, as a parent organization that was born in 1913 So that the essence and existence can not be separated from the Society of arable devotion helped Pasundan especially in the intellectual life and welfare of the Indonesian people.
At the time of establishment, Unpas supported by the presence of two faculties, namely the Faculty of Law (FH) and the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences (Social). Faculty of Law consists of two departments namely: Civil Law and Criminal Law, while the Faculty of Social and Political Science consists of majors: Public Administration, Social Welfare, and International Relations. Given the needs of the community, then opened a new department in the two faculties, namely the Department of Business Administration and the Department of Communication at the Faculty of Social Sciences and the Department of Constitutional Law at the Faculty of Law. However, based on the decision of the Consortium of Legal Studies in 1993, majors in FH eliminated.
In 1961 a new school opened the Faculty of Technology (FT) with a major in Food Technology and Production Engineering. Department of Food Technology was subsequently changed to the Department of Food Technology and Production Engineering Department later changed to the Department of Industrial Engineering and Management.
The mid 70s again opened new faculties, namely the Faculty of Economics (FE) and the Faculty of Teacher Training and Education (Guidance and Counseling). FE to currently supported by three departments: Department of Management, Accounting, and Economics Development Studies; while FKIP currently consists of five courses, namely: Civics, Economics and Accounting Education, Language Education, Literature and Area Indonesia, Mathematics Education, Biology Education and Elementary Teacher Education S1.
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